
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Arts & Crafts : Origami Yacht

   During practicum, I taught 2 subjects: English and Arts.

   I dreaded the thought of teaching Arts. But I dreaded the thought of teaching Local Studies even more, so when Eza and I had to switch minors from Local Studies to Arts, we were literally bouncing with joy. However, deep in my heart I felt quite nervous.

   When I actually began teaching the subject, I found that it was fun. The fact is, teaching primary school children is fun. It really is. They are always very eager about doing the activities- though I wouldn't say they're quite as good at bringing the materials necessary when you tell them to!

   Thankfully, I teach Art to Year 2 and Year 3, and there are only respectively 7 and 11 pupils in each class, so it's not difficult to bring extra items in case the children forget to do so. When I first started out, it was difficult when they kept forgetting to bring scissors and glue, but later I began purchasing extra tools and items so that nobody would be left out from the fun. You just have to sacrifice some money,  but believe me if you love kids it won't be difficult to do so!

   In this entry, I'd like to share one lesson in which we prepared origami yachts. There are any number of websites that provide suggestions, step-by-step instructions and even pictures to accompany the instructions, which are really helpful. I'm afraid my lesson plan is in Bahasa Melayu though, if I have time I'll make a rough LP later and upload it here.

   So, let's start!

   First, make the yacht. You'll need some coloured paper and scissors.

   You can visit this link to look at the step by step instructions on how to make the origami yacht. The instructions include photos so you'll be okay. Besides, it's super easy!

   *Remember, always remind your pupils to be careful when using scissors.
   My kids tend to point the sharp end of the scissors to their eyes and so on. Playfully, of course, but it should not be permitted whatsoever.

   Secondly, paste the completed yacht onto a piece of drawing paper.

   Thirdly, draw a picture of waves and the sun in the background. Show them some examples, but be sure to tell them that they can be as creative as they like. Like this:

Isn't she neat in doing her work? Those waves are lovely!

   As they do that, go around the class to assist and answer their questions. If they don't have any, just drop some praises here and there, and give words of encouragement. It's important!

My tall and model-like partner Eza. We did a partnered-teaching for this class.
   And there you go! Easy, huh?

   Oh, you haven't met my Year 2 pupils, have you? Well, let's meet 'em! Below are some pictures the children preparing the yacht (oh cripes, I have to keep checking how to spell 'yacht'. Isn't that awful?):

This is Izzat, the class monitor.
Always the last person out of the class.
He helps me sweep the floor and close the windows.
I never had to ask.
He's a real sweetheart.
A bit 'manja' sometimes, but I suppose it's because he's the youngest in his family.
Has a crush on one of the Year 1 girls, which he shares with his best friend Izzat.
Yikes. Haha.

He's a bit of a troublemaker, but he usually behaves well in my classes.
When he attends school, that is.
He's also in remedial class. He's very quiet.

One of the brightest in the class.
Probably my favourite (oops...) out of the girls.
She's very well-mannered. She also got As for all her subjects during UPP1.
A sweet girl.

Hajar, the assistant class monitor.
Quite talkative. A good girl, although a bit too playful sometimes.
Her brother is Eza's favourite pupil in Year 4.
She's probably the neatest worker in the class.
Even neater than I am. Oh no.

For some time she was the only girl in the class.
Probably the reason why Hakim (another boy whose photo I didn't take during this class)
has a crush on her.
A huge crush.
Kids these days.
   So there you go. Easy as a pie. Though pies aren't really easy (for me anyway... boohoo).

   Anyway, you can visit as well as for more ideas on making origami. Have fun!

Friday, June 17, 2011

A Short Update

   Assalamualaikum and hello. I feel rather bad for leaving this blog without any updates. The truth is I feel rather burnt out from reading. I have to read nearly a hundred articles for my part-time job, as well as two CDs and a bunch of handouts on KISSM. I would dearly love to explain what KISSM is, but apart from telling you that it is a course (which includes an exam!) that I have to prepare for, I think I'll postpone the intention until I feel less drained (and drowned!).

   KISSM will be conducted throughout Malaysia in all the IPGs (Institut Pendidikan Guru, formerly known as Maktab Perguruan) from 28/06/2011 to 30/06/2011. I have to complete two 750-words essays and submit them on the 28th. I also have so many notes to read!

   Wish me luck!