
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

KSSR Year 2 English Unit 1 (Phonics)

   A friend asked the other day if I've stopped blogging. I grinned sheepishly and replied that I've been too busy. Then I told her I was just being lazy.

   So here I am, haha. I just came to share some materials that I made today. These worksheets were actually based on page 3 of the Year 2 English Activity Book. I just jazzed it up a bit to make it slightly more interesting and also because I wanted my pupils to write the words more than once. (You'll know what I mean if you're familiar with the exercise in the book).

   I also created a similar exercise for slightly more advanced pupils. I have two or three groups in my Year 2 class this year. The pupils are so much better behaved than Haslina's class (refer to my previous posts labeled Delima diaries) and they are very good at doing their work. Some can already read most of the simple words in the textbook and they also work quite fast so I thought I might as well create a second worksheet which included sentences.

    It's up to you of course, how you want to use them. The download links are below and I've provided images as a preview for your convenience (though I'm afraid the quality of the images is poor, boohoo). I've to go, hope this post and the worksheet helps you!

lower level

intermediate level