
Friday, March 4, 2011


   That's it. It's done and over with. Alhamdulillah.

   This morning Mdm J. came to SKP for her final observation on my partner and I. All this week, I've been a total wreck- only grabbing a few hours of sleep at night, squeezing in another few after getting back to school... and still, there is always so much to do.

   I was afraid when Mdm J. had not yet shown up when my class was about to begin. Usually, she will come for observations on Thursdays as it's the only day on which my class and Eza's don't clash. On Thursday I have three periods with Year 3. What I usually do is prepare two lesson plans for the three periods - one 30-minute lesson & one 1 hour lesson. Mdm J. usually enters during the second and third period to observe my 1 hour lesson, so I try to use the one period lesson to prepare my pupils for it.... yeah, yeah I know it's cheating a bit, haha.

   Anyway, to cut the story short I began to feel nervous when she did not show up at 9.45 a.m. (which is when the 2nd period for my English lesson starts), so I grit my teeth and started the lesson. Just after my set induction finished, she entered the class and sat at the back. Some time later, my guiding teacher came in too.

   It was a good lesson. I was mostly nervous because of my portfolio, which was still only halfway done, but I enjoyed teaching the kids. They were so good- so much so that I felt like hugging them at the end of the class. They paid attention, and volunteered to answer questions. The topic was interesting for them, I guess, so that was good too.

   It was the first time that I felt good after the end of a lesson for which Mdm. J. observed. It's a good feeling, knowing that your pupils have learnt something new (hopefully!). I was also very happy because Amirul actually tried doing his worksheets without being told to! Who's Amirul, you ask? I will tell you all about him, and all about the other 10 sweethearts (and imps!) in my class soon.

   For now, one stage is over. I do not know if I am ready to face another. It will be difficult, and I must always be prepared, and I do not think I am up for the challenge nor do I think I deserve the chance, but I hope things will go well. This is not just for me- it's for all those people who love and have supported me throughout everything that has happened in my life.

   And my partner. What would I do without her? She doesn't read my entries (I'm not even sure if she knows I have a blog) but one thing is sure- I could not have asked for a better partner. She has done so well too, and I'm proud of her.

   So one little advice that I can give from this entry to all teacher trainees who will at one time or another face teaching practice- build a good rapport with your partner (or team mates for that matter) during practicum. You will need each other's backs. If you are allowed to choose, choose someone that you think you can work with and are comfortable with. Help each other.

   And that's all for now. Thank you. May Allah bless all of you who read this.

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