
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Posting lagi...

   Kawan saya Ika cakap dia dapat berita dari JPN Johor mengkhabarkan bahawa perlantikan baru untuk bulan 8 dibekukan sebab kerajaan tiada duit untuk bayar gaji. Dengar cerita bukan sahaja perlantikan untuk guru-guru, tetapi juga untuk semua bahagian lain. Bak kata Wani, lepas raya, paling lambat bulan 10.

   Lagi2 tak ada duit. Itu saja komen saya tentang ini. Ataupun mungkin itu saja komen yang saya dapat tulis di sini. Yang lain? Simpan dalam hati saja...


  1. Hmm, ntahlah.. kadang 2 khabar angin je ni.. dulu kitorang punyelah cuak sebab posting dibekukan.. Alhamdulillah dapat jugak walaupun lewat sebab kes MQA kitorang... mcm tak logik beku ni sebab Malaysia ni sangat kurang guru..sabar ye. InsyaAllah ade tu.

  2. Tula. Apa2 pun kena tunggu je la kan, Insya-Alla ada cuma tak tahu bila. Skang dok rumah goyang kaki puas2! ;)

  3. Moga dipermudahkan dan dipercepatkan segala urusan :)

  4. nsdahlia: Thanks! Insya-Allah...;)

  5. The economic situation is not good anywhere at the moment. I guess being in any kind of employment is better than none at all and if that meansa pay freeze - I guess I would take it, as you know I lost my job a few months ago.

    By the way, have you been watchign the British news lately, with riots taking place in England. A young Malay lad was attacked and then people pretending to friendly, rob him. thank goodness he is well, a number of young men have lost their lives in the past few night.

    Warmest of wishes

  6. If I didn't know about Google translator, I'd think you could read Malay! Or can you? Haha.

    Thanks for the comment and the news on the British riots. I didn't know, and just looked it up, poor lad, two attacks, one after another. I hope he's alright now. I also didn't know about your job, am sorry to hear about it. I hope things work out, for both of us!

  7. Oh so nice to see Shaheen here, what a surprise!

    Actually I wanted to ask: do you want to exchange postcards? :) If you agree, please contact me via e-mail. It's It would be great to receive my second card from Malaysia.

  8. Lela: I actually got to know from your blog through Shaheen's links, I think ;)

  9. Salam..
    Mayah,kalau dh dpt dipostokan kemana jgan lupa gtau ye ;)

  10. Kak Paah: Insya-Allah, I definitely will!!!


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