
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Is it time to think of other options?

   Last night this got us hopeful.

   Then came this about half an hour ago:


   And this:

   One thing about WKS is he takes the effort of answering questions. Oh well. What can I say? Millions ( or 1 million?) of undergrads under the KPM scholarship are waiting for placement. Some have families to feed, some have themselves to feed... then I came across this:

   However little money you have, there's always some other person who has even less. Or worse, none. Instead of thinking of what you don't have, think of what you do have.

   If you really need to work, it's time to look at other options. Just write that resume, send them somewhere,go for interviews and whatnot. Do something. Don't just complain. 

   Do you hear this guy complaining?

I must say I'm impressed with how he managed to arrange the bricks so that hey don't fall down.
Thumbs up to him! What little money he earns, he truly deserves.
Can we say that much about ourselves?
   For my fellow friends who are patiently waiting to be placed in schools, keep that patience alive inside of you. We are going to be teachers. We're going to be role models for children. What are the chances that our complaints will be echoed by the children we teach when we give them homework in the future? They say history repeats itself. I say, be the sort of person you want your children and students/pupils to be. 


  1. Assalam.

    Ya, Sumaiyyah. Saya ada dengar khabar mengenai perkara ini. Memang graduan pada Ogos- Oktober tdak dapat ditempatkan. KPM akan menyerap tenaga GSTT dahulu. Tidak adil bukan? Tetapi pendapat Sumaiyyah itu benar. Jangan dinanti buah yang tidak gugur. Kita perlu berusaha dan serahkan punca rezeki kita kepada Dia. Jika kita benar-benar berbaik sangka kepada Allah, Dia akan aturkan kembali apa yang sepatutnya menjadi milik kita. Insya-Allah... =)

  2. Waalaikumussalam.

    Adakah Anisa juga graduan yang sedang menanti penempatan? Memang ada perasaan tidak puas hati, tetapi ibu saya sering berpesan, jangan didengki rezeki orang. Semuanya di tangan Allah. Kita hanya mampu berdoa. Harapan saya, semoga sekurang-kurangnya ada pengesahan segera sama ada para graduan akan ditempatkan juga pada tahun ini atau tidak, bagi memudahkan urusan mereka yang ingin mencari kerja lain buat sementara waktu.

    Terima kasih di atas pandangan saudari. May Allah bless you!

  3. I.Allah, kakngah.. moga ditempatkan dkt ngan rumah, spya blh cpat2 skt beli kereta, n cpat2 skt support aiman bli moto.. apa kaitanny, staying at home = lower cost of living = save m0re = invest more in aiman's mission to get a motorcycle..

  4. KakCik: Haha. Memang ada udang di sebalik mee...


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