
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tarikh Bayaran Gaji Tahun 2012

   Awat ta tetiba rajin dok pos macam2 malam ni.

   Bear with me.

   Anyway, found this somewhere on the internet... hehe.

   I did a search on the net and found a download link to the original 'surat pekeliling' (I have no idea what the hanky panky smanky term for surat pekeliling is in English), so I feel safe saying this info is valid. As soon the correct date arrives, let's all go and line up at the nearest ATM, shall we? Hehe. Hey. Yes we do teach for the sake of Allah, but gaji is still gaji right? We teachers are human beings too!

   However, our school PT said the best he can do is to process my 'gaji' for April. If that includes all the wages I'm supposed to be getting starting from the day I reported for duty, it means a 3 1/2 months worth of wages.

   *faints in shock

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